We find a lot of strange stuff in Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO) - we post some of it here.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sale ends 10 June.
Manuscripts of the State Papers, Elizabeth, and State Papers, Spain, going online
In the next two weeks a major addition will be made to the manuscript content of Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO):
Part 1 of 2: TNA SP/70 State Papers, Foreign, Elizabeth I
Complete: TNA SP/94 State Papers, Spain (mostly not printed in Calendar of State Papers, Spain)
As the first publisher to take on the large scale publication of manuscripts from the UK National Archives, we are pleased to announce that our next major additions of manuscripts to Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online will be made in the next few weeks, as part of the continuing rollout. At the same time an improved interface will be launched to enable better navigation of the manuscripts, while a large proportion of the images will be in high quality grayscale, rather than the monochrome which was favoured by the archives in the past. They will also be linked to the discussion forum, where we hope users will assist each other collaboratively with getting the most value out of the resource.
What do you want to be published? Tell us now.
Here are some highlights of the coming twelve months:
- Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, 1676-1691 (to finish complete series)
- Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1556-1728
- The Rolls Series: please tell us if you would like particular volumes. Featured in this years coverage will be Matthew Paris’ Chronica Majora, Roger Howden’s Chronica, the Tripartite Life of St Patrick, and Irish sources such as Historical Municipal Documents, Ireland.
- New Project: The Historical Manuscripts Commission Reports and Calendars. A major new project to digitise this enormous and complex collection of material relating to manuscript sources in the UK. We will be publishing large sections of this collection – however we would like to enlist our user’s assistance in suggesting volumes that should be included in the first wave. A complete list of the titles which have been published by HMC since the mid nineteenth century can be found at http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/academic/pdf/bibliography.pdf
Nobody Does it Better
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, and we are interested to note that there are now some other companies and organisations that have digitised similar content areas to TannerRitchie Publishing in the field of medieval and early modern historical sources. Some have received generous public funding to repeat work done (more economically) by TannerRitchie Publishing. TannerRitchie Publishing does not receive any funding from the public sector.
Our competitors differ from us in three significant ways, however. Firstly – they are not interested in selling small amounts of content to individuals, only libraries. Secondly institutional subscription rates are kept closely guarded. Related content is often not sold as part of the same resource, in order that they can achieve multiple sales from a single institution for similar material.
TannerRitchie has a policy of price openness. Whether you are an individual or a university library, you can find out the cost of any purchases and subscriptions on our website. Anybody can buy titles from as little as $40.
Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online is designed to contain a wide range of related content, and not to spin off content in an attempt to increase sales, or only to cover one range of material because of funding constaints. Our intention is that any researcher of British, colonial and European medieval and early modern history will use MEMSO as a first point of call for their research, and not be forced to consult in multiple areas.
MEMSO is constantly developed and improved, and new content areas are researched and included. We believe that this is not just ethically correct, but that treating our clients as we would like to be treated is good business practice.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Complete catalogue being added to NetLibrary
We're pleased to announce that the complete TannerRitchie catalogue is being added to NetLibrary as we speak. Most North American university libraries will already be familiar with what NetLibrary can do for them in terms of managing access to electronic content. We hope that libraries will consider NetLibrary when examining the many options available for using our content. NetLibrary is particularly suitable for institutions with smaller budgets, libraries that are not primarily academic in nature, or institutions that already make use of NetLibrary for accessing and managing eContent.
NetLibrary users should keep an eye our for our titles becoming available in the next few weeks.
For those unfamiliar with NetLibrary, it describes itself in the following way: "[NetLibrary] is fast growing to become the eContent provider of choice for academic, community college, public and many other libraries. It offers easy-to-use functionality with access to multiple formats and best-selling titles from the world's leading publishers.
"As OCLC's eContent division, NetLibrary represents a unique dual heritage: a trusted partner for librarians and publishers, with a firm commitment to technological innovation on behalf of end-users. NetLibrary combines the time-honored traditions of the library system with the latest in electronic publishing and content delivery."
If you have any questions about NetLibrary, or would like to discuss accessing our titles this way, please contact us.